Just Me

IMG_2704I’m an introvert who needs solitude like air.  Lover of artsy things and creativity.  Proud geek.  Still trying to figure out how I can be a cynic and dreamer simultaneously.  I’m either too serious or too silly.  When I drift in deep thought, words have a way with me.

I’m compelled to write about the moments in my life that move me.  I write to understand what I think and feel.  To cope.  It brings me peace and joy.  Writing is thriving.  It is the art form that chose me and I’m choosing to share it here.

God loves me more than I could ever dare to love Him and that keeps me hopeful and grounded.  Jesus is my anchor and my everything.  Faith is essential to my existence.

This little corner of the blogosphere will evolve as I do.  I hope what you read makes you feel less alone in this crazy mixed up world.  Then my musings won’t be in vain.

Rhonda Simpson

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